
Parkeon Strada - Manual - Accessing and Navigating the Maintenance Menu

Most meters have an orange button on the back of the display inside the meter door, which will bring up the maintenance menu on the meter screen.

  • If you have an orange button, you should also have a loose keypad which you can lay over the keyboard on the meter door. This will allow you to navigate the maintenance menu.
  • To run a function, type in the function code on the overlay keypad, followed by "V" to execute (e.g. 97V).


Older meters might not have an orange button. Instead, look for a silver hook that will release the screen, allowing it to swing out from the inside of the door.
A small keypad is attached to the bottom of the screen.

    • Unlatch and swing out the screen, as shown in the pictures below.
    • Press "F" on the keypad to bring up the Maintenance menu.
    • Type in the function code followed by "V" to execute (e.g. 97V).




Meters with Orange Button;

- Hit C on the overlay keypad to return to the normal customer menu.

Meters with swing-out screen;
- Re-latch the maintenance screen.
- Close the meter door. The screen will drop to black after about 30seconds.
- Hit the start button and the normal customer menu should appear.



  • The overlay keypad is not allowing you to type in the function codes properly;
    Make sure there is no water/dirt/debris between the meter keypad and the overlay keypad, as this can prevent the meter from detecting inputs properly.
  • You see a "Function Does Not Exist" message after entering the function code;
    Make sure you have typed the correct code. Before typing the code, the screen should show 000, and as you type the numbers should appear (e.g. 097). If you have typed the code incorrectly, hit 0 three time to clear the screen back to 000 and then try again.
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