
Parkeon Strada - Replacing Parts - Installing an M900 Credit Card Reader

Please follow the below steps to install and commission an M900 credit card reader. 

1. Connect the ribbon cable to the rear of the card reader:


2. Connect the end of the Mag Head Reader cable to the side of the card reader: 


3. Connect the other end of the Mag Head Reader cable to the Mag Head Reader on the meter door. 


4. Ensure any excess length in the Mag Head Reader cable is tucked away into the notch on the side of the card reader. If this cable hangs loose, it risks being damaged or causing the "Invalid Card" issue.

5. Install the card reader into the meter. 

            - The long metal plate at the back of the reader will slide into a slot on
               the rear cabinet wall. 

            - The silver hook on the reader face will sit into the open loophole and
               hang down. 

6. Reboot the meter, access the maintenance menu and run Function 94 
            - The card reader should initialize as "Activated" 

7. Run Function 64
           - The IP address should end in .156 - Hit V
           - Ensure the Port number is present (i.e. not 00000) - Hit V

           - Select Yes V for the parameter test - This should return "Success". If you
              receive an error message, please note the exact wording and
              reach out to the Support Help Desk. 

           - The Bank Online Maintenance test will run next. This should return
              "Bank Online Maintenance OK". If you see KO or an error message,
              please note the exact wording and reach out to the Support Help Desk.  

8. Check function 96 and 97 to confirm or resolve any alarms. 

9. Hit "C" on the maintenance keypad to return to the normal Customer parking screen. 
Test a card transaction if desired to confirm that it goes through correctly. 


(Click on the "Support?" button which will appear in the bottom right corner after a few seconds). 

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